Diverse, Yet United: Masonic Mosaic
This video explores the many aspects of Masonry’s rich cultural influences – from those of the original settlers to new immigrants who have made this country their home today. Learn how our fraternity has been shaped by members’ diverse heritages, and how these varied global influences continue to inspire Masonry today.
The Art of Masonic Education
From floor sketches to tracing boards, Masonic artists over the centuries have produced incredible works to serve as lodge teaching aids. In addition to being artifacts of our fraternity, many of these pieces are treasures of the art world. This video explores the history and significance of art in Masonic education from the 18th century to today, as told by historians, Masonic scholars, and the artists themselves.
The Holy Writings
Described as the “first great light,” the Holy Writings provides a link to Freemasonry’s historical beliefs. This video documentary short, produced by the Masonic Grand Lodge of California and the Henry Wilson Coil Library and Museum of Freemasonry, offers new insight into one of Masonry’s most treasured three great lights.
Emblems of Innocence and Honor: The Masonic Apron
Described as a Mason’s “Badge” and an emblem of innocence, the apron provides a link to Freemasonry’s historical roots. This video documentary short, produced by the Masonic Grand Lodge of California and the Henry Wilson Coil Library and Museum of Freemasonry, offers new insight into one of Masonry’s most treasured ritual garments.