The Chemung-Schuyler-Tioga (CST) Masonic Fellowship, Charities, and District Association is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the ties of friendship and brotherhood which bind together the Lodges and Brothers of the CST Masonic District. The programs and activities of the Association are designed to build a more vibrant and engaged Masonic community within the District and to actively promote the interests and ideals of Freemasonry to the wider communities of Chemung, Schuyler, and Tioga Counties.
The membership of the CST District Association is comprised of any and all Master Masons currently in good standing with one of the 12 Lodges which make up the CST Masonic District. All members are welcome to attend District meetings and events. The Officers of the C-S-T Fellowship, Charities, and District Association are all active members of their home Lodges who have donated their time in the hopes of making our Masonic District stronger and more engaged. If you would like information about one of our programs or events or would like to find out how to become an active participant, please feel free to contact one of the Officers.
W Bruce Williams
Friendship Lodge #153
Email: bwilliams31@stny.rr.com
RW H. David Strong
Friendship Lodge #153
Phone: (607) 687-1977
Email: zaob2003@yahoo.com
RW Paul Leahey
Myrtle-Jefferson Lodge #131
Phone: (607) 592-9905
Email: valoisbros@att.net
MDA & District Events
Awards Banquet
District Picnic
Ritual Contest
Table Lodge
Trivia Contest
MDA & District Programs
Ritual Assitance Program
Educational Assitance Program
Masonic District Association Events for 2018 – 2019. Want to View or Print a copy for your lodge? Click the button below.
C.S.T. District Officers
Need to contact the DDGM, Staff Officer, or an AGL. Please click the button below.